Friday, April 17, 2009


When disaster strikes.

My grower came by this morning to bring us nice new product for our seminar. These are new varieties, ones where we had sat down in november and hammered out together as to what to put what in a hanging basket, 6", 4", etc. Whats terrible about the fact that he brought us plants is not that he brought them, but that Andrea accidently dumped them clean over the rank and dropped them, top first. What happened was I was pulling the rack up the ramp and these certain carts we get from another grower unhing themselves, so when I pulled, the top shelf did a flip, dumping the lot on the ground.

And then everyone stood there in shock and then we all had a good laugh at the irony of it. There is always a rack that flips, dumps, whatever, and it's usually product that we need the most. A lot of the times, fate has it that it is usually White Impatients that are in high demand.

Anyways! I have a few catch up posts to do since I've been accumulating pictures and posts in my head and since I'm sitting on my porch, husband off to his astronomy meeting, baby asleep, its a really good time to clump them all together. Little moments like these help.

Cordyline 'Red Star' (Red Star Dracaena - above picture). Fantastic plant, drought tolerant. We covered this last year and now, I've had this plant for roughly two years and I can see that everyone in the greenhouse industry is finally coming out with it. I assume that next year, the market will be flooded with it (but by then, we'll have moved onto something else). Though I have to say, it doesn't seem to be a plant that lacks demand. People want this plant and for us, we only get about 800 pots in shipment and we're trying out the gallon pots this year (bigger plant - not bad in size). These are quarts and they're much cheaper to the gallon and the nice thing about it is it's incredibly drought tolerant.(like I said above, repeating myself because Im listening to the birds rather than paying attention to what im writing). I've dried these babies out to the point of death and they STILL look good. I've never thrown one out to date and desease just doesnt' seem to be a problem. Slow grower but nice with rigid leaves, much like the regular dracaena itself (green spike).

This is what we've done to our office with our spare grapevine from Angelo's garden last year. We're going to grown things on it, possibly morning glory or something similar.

This was what we started with, plus the raspberry pots for planting.

And this little guy is my son, Ian, Peacing out.

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