Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just in for a long winter's nap

It might have seemed like I died. I actually didn't. I just had to set aside a full year for a recovery for spinal surgery. I had to put in a resignation to my beloved job, not because I wanted to, not because they wouldn't have modified the job for me, but because it's just one of those signs in life where your body says stop and you need to listen. I've done my garden center work since I was sixteen years old. I have extensive knowledge in perennials and annuals (especially the quirks of growing and maintaining annuals, who to buy from and who does the best). Does this mean I'm out of the garden center retail life for good? No way jose! I may not be able to be the greenhouse's worker anymore, but those bloodlines are still coursing through my veins with a passion.

Currently, I'm going back to school. I have my diploma for highschool and I'm going to bring up my grades in all the sciences, refresh my mind and dive into University for a degree that I've always wanted. There's always an intense hunger for knowledge and learning and though the changes are drastic over here, it's never been the type of drastic that I can't handle. I've always been the look before I leap type of person and while I might not have the body to leap, I certainly have the passion for it and the drive to take the change and mold it into nothing but a positive experience. Can you tell I'm chomping at the bit?

Spring is upon us. After long days of extensive cold, we're finally having a break with predictions of rain, warmer weather and the promise to melt away all those high snow banks we've build up on either side of our driveways. I know I look outside right now, out my front window and take in my beautiful weird looking beech tree that all my neighbors seem to loath. They don't understand why I planted this ugly weeping beech on the front of my property and I've said to them a hundred times, Justttttt wait. Wait and you'll be eating those words in five years. The birds certainly love this beech, because its the wirey type. One summer, the branches are going one way and then, before you've realized it, that branch has flipped over and gone the other direction. It's weird and I love it. I loved it so much I twisted christmas lights all over it. I didn't love doing that so much. Now I'm impatient to get them off. Much like the same way I'm impatient to see what survived last years drought. Now I say drought because we had a dry fall and it was slightly unforgiving. I remember this because I was turning my sprinkler on in November for my other very ugly looking beech that is also on the front of my property.

With that being said, the sun has been making sporatic appearances but I foresee this soon being a regular thing. The moon was out last night and it's a good sign.

Let's hope for a wet spring people!


CanadianGardenJoy said...

Andy girl .. you ARE insane so trying to deny it is useless ! hehehehe
Hey .. I have you on my blog roll now with the updated link .. Congrats on slugging it out with the university levels, I know your shear "will", will get you through it all and I also know you will never not be a gung ho gardener with loads of advice for us novices : ) hehe (the beech tree will look spectacular eventually !!) wink
I'm in a bit of trouble .. the disc above L4&L5 has been naughty and compressed the femoral nerve last August and it is still a mess .. I'm on the treadmill but double the chronic pain thing and it is really hard not only physically but mentally and I know YOU KNOW what it is like. BUT ... that isn't stopping me from crawling out in the garden when I can and PLAYING!!
Thanks for dropping a line and letting me know what is going on .. didn't get the card yet but we both know Canada Post so no matter how close we are, they will manage to be LATE ! You can pop this in the can after you read it girl so you don't have a LONG comment looking weird on here .. I'm on my way to another doctor appointment at KGH .. jeez!
Take care girl .. keep hitting the books until they hit you back! LOL
Joy ;-)

Wicked Gardener said...

Hey Lady! Good to see that you are still alive!! As you can tell, I've been slacking on my blog as well. I've had my own "life-change" (aka being laid off) and while I know have plenty of time to garden and blog, I have no motivation nor money. Oh well! Good luck to you, and keep us updated!!

stone said...

"Let's hope for a wet spring people!"

Sorry to read that you've run into a wall. Congrats on being able to find a window.
Change stinks! But sometimes it's find something else to do, or lie down and let them throw dirt on you...

Could be the opportunity to get into plant breeding, That shouldn't take too much back-work, right? Dab a bit of pollen onto another plant... ;)

Dawn said...

I would love to see a photo of your Weeping Beech if you get a moment to catch your breath..